> Country Family Robinson: Dr Appointment Updates

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dr Appointment Updates

Well, had my Dr. Appointment today. And I just have one question....why is it that during the day I pee a zillion times, pretty much every 2 hours, but when I have to give a 'sample' I dry up completely. SHEESH! Anyway, got into the room, and the Dr. came in. He looked at my chart and said that I had passed the 3 hr glucose test. YEA!! No meds or anything crazy like that needed.

He said he was very glad about my weight. With as much as I gained with PCOS, he is only estimating 10-15 lb gain. He said it may even be the end of my 2nd trimester before I start moving up the scale. He doesn't want me to gain a lot, but the baby will help my body determine how much I should gain. It was quite funny when I had asked him about not gaining anything, but 'parts' of me are getting smaller. He said that babies are the worlds best parasites - cause they feed on the stored fats in your body. Since I have the extra fat stored from PCOS, I got plenty for the baby to feed on - EAT UP!! After the question and answer, he had me lay back and he was poking my belly a bit, then said that my uterus size is right on track,

After the poking, I thought he was done. But then he must have heard my silent prayer - cause out came the doppler. ::Sigh:: He got the heart beat really quick. Beating strong- my little washing machine- and he said the beats were strong and even. Very pleased with everything.

So, I cleaned up, and we set the date for the Growth and Anatomy scan (boy?/girl?) and my next Dr. Appointment for the same date - August 27th. 4 more weeks, and I will {{Hopefully}} find out what we are having - as long as the baby works with us. I will be getting the Scan on DVD, so I will be able to post the video once we get home. VERY EXCITING!!! We can't wait. Tim is taking the day off and going to go with me. The appointment is early morning, so we are going to go to the 2 appointments, and then we both have chiropractor appointments that afternoon. Busy Day!

Anyway, thank you to everyone for their prayers regarding the Glucose Test. I was very nervous about it, but turns out everything is fine. Just hope that the same will be said when I take the tests over again in 8-10 weeks (like a normal person).

♥ J & Lil Bean ♥


Anonymous said...


How funny with the pee comment, it's like when you bring your car into the shop saying 'it's making a clinking noise' and then it suddenly doesn't make that clinking noise! ;)

Lillian Robinson said...

Yippee! I knew it'd come out good. Everything is finally going your way. Can't wait until the 27th!