> Country Family Robinson: Updates...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Sorry I haven't been on recently. We are getting into the busy time of the season with my family, plus I have been stressing about this whole Baby Registry thing. Not to mention, Tim is back in school, playing Flag Football with the church, and the Masonic Lodge has started up, so we got that too.

Anyway, the whole baby registry thing is making me pull my hair out. I decided to register at Babies R' Us, Target, and Walmart. That way, I can hit all the different price ranges, areas, etc. Well, furniture was my biggest worry. I wanted something that was sturdy, good quality, but not expensive. Asking a bunch I know. Well, Babies R Us had good quality, but I thought it was over priced. So I went to Target. The only thing is, Target only has 2 cribs on the floor - which have been cut in half so they are no wider than a clothes basket - and they are up on a shelf. So the only resolution is online. I got into reading the Reviews - which has mixed info. Some people hate it, say the furniture is crap, and falls apart. Others say that they have used it for all 3 kids. well, 2 weeks later - I finally pick a color and group....lo and behold - it is unavailable the next day...GAH!! So I am still trying to fix that issue. Plus, Target doesn't have a lot of baby stuff in store - it is all online. So a majority of the stuff would have to be bought online. Which is OK for most - but I have family who do not even have computers, let alone purchase online. So I figured the big stuff, someone would get online, and the rest could be worked with in person. So I start a baby registry at Walmart by the Dayton Mall since we left Babies R US at that time. They have the scanner, and a computer for the registry. Well, I decide to go back to the Walmart in Xenia, and I am told that they don't do the registry, you have to do it online. WHAT!!! you are Walmart for goodness sake. First I can't get Maternity stuff there, no body pillows, now no baby registry at certain stores. Again - some of my family do not own computers....HELLO!!!

So, I am afraid that Babies R Us may win out. Hopefully those in our family who cannot drive to the Dayton Mall, and do not have computers, will decide what to purchase, and if I get duplicates - so be it. I will deal with the returns later. I was going to go to Babies R Us today after work, but due to major traffic back ups, I decided to go home. Looks like I will be getting up Saturday Morning and heading to Babies R Us while Tim is running a 10K in Fairborn, then meeting him @ the football game. I am ready for this part to be done! It wasn't this hard when I registered for the wedding....sheesh!

I haven't posted any belly pics yet - every time I think about it, I have already gotten into comfy clothes, so the pics wouldn't be very good. By the way, Tim finally felt the baby kick. We were laying in bed, and I laid in my back to stretch, and Brady was doing the conga in there. So I grabbed Tim's hand and put it on my belly. What does he say....'Is that the baby?'..ahhhh...yes it is the baby. what else would it be? Sheesh! It did kinda make him take notice a bit more. Not to say he hasn't been touching the belly and stuff, but he tends to do it more now, and doing a little belly shake to see if he will kick again. It is cute, and I am loving it.

Anyway, just thought I would update everyone. We are doing good, growing, and doing great. I am sure I will be on here more once the registry thing is over.

♥ J & Brady ♥


Lillian Robinson said...

Rumor has it that the relative buying the bed has a computer... just so you know.

I'm glad Tim finally felt the baby. Now maybe he'll have a little sympathy when Brady gets his foot up under your ribs!

Do you have your colors yet?

Lori V. said...

Hey J.B. Shine a flashlight on your belly and move it around. The baby will start chasing it. Just don't let Tim have the flashlight! It's fun at first, but not as much fun for you as the guy thinks it is after a while! I told Jessica Keyes this and it worked for her too.