> Country Family Robinson: Sorry no posts recently.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sorry no posts recently.

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. We are preparing for my vacation the end of August. I am off for 7 days - where we are getting carpet installed THROUGHOUT the house....yes, the WHOLE UP STAIRS. So, needless to say I have been trying to get the nursery cleaned out (was storing stuff from the basement overhaul that we never moved back down stairs...aka...junk) and get the non-essential stuff packed up so we can rip carpet out in a few weekends from now. We are also getting the laminate flooring in the Kitchen/Dining room area, so we went and picked that out - and it is sitting in the Spare Room. Tim ripped out the remaining baseboard heaters, and we are going to cut out the thermostats that went with them the same day we rip the carpet up. We will also patch the holes from wire, replace the missing baseboard, and touch up paint while the carpet is up. Well, I won't be doing any of that stuff, except running the sweeper when the carpet and tack strips are removed. No painting for me! We are still trying to decide if we are just going to paint the nursery a cream color - or wait and do a color once we find out what we are having. Oh well, gotta get the rooms cleaned out first. Got quite a few bags to take to good will. Mostly clothes that I will 'Never' be back in - size 2-4 from the modeling days, along with some of the 6-8 that didn't wear when I could fit into them. Some of my 10s I am keeping - just in case I can get back in them after the pregnancy - we will see how PCOS acts after the baby is here. Tim even got rid of some of his T-shirts that he doesn't wear anymore, or are too small. I swear that man has more clothes than I do - most of them were from high school!

Not only are we working inside, but God has been working on the outside. Our garden is GROWING. We have already canned 69 pint jars of green beans, and our sweetcorn will be ready in a few weeks. We have ears starting!! I am so excited....I have been dying for silver queen corn!! Well, I can't really say 'WE' have been canning - since I am not allowed to touch anything when we start to can. I can clean and break the beans, but when it comes to the canning, I am not allowed to touch anything - Grandma's rules. When she was pregnant with my uncle, none of her lids sealed. So, better be safe than sorry - Mom and Grandma have been doing my canning for me. Mom and I are splitting everything from the garden anyway, I just feel like they have been doing all the work. However, Mom said that I have been providing the food and cookies (warm after dinner dessert) so we can call it even.

On the baby front - nothing new. The queasy feeling is getting less - however my appetite is still not back. Still have a few things I can't even think about eating. I haven't gained any weight, however I only have 2 notches on my belt left. Some of you have been asking for Baby Bump Pictures - I'm sorry. I don't want to post belly pictures till it looks like I am pregnant -not just 'fluffy' around the midsection. The bump is still below my belly button, so no pictures until it rises. I'm still tired though. I work for a few hours on stuff, and then have to go sit/lay down cause I am dead on my feet. Makes getting ready for the vacation very hard. I finally get to have my appointment with the nurse this week on Wednesday (even though I will be 15 1/2 weeks preg) for her to go over all the specifics, do's and don'ts, start a birth plan, etc. Should be interesting. I will have a few more questions to ask her this time (TMI-FYI: some help in the #2 department, how to prevent/spot a hemroid before it gets bad, etc). If anyone has some good questions that you think I should ask - post them below!

Well, I gotta get ready for bed - starting another work week tomorrow ::GROAN:: The weekends are just not long enough, and I can't seem to sleep good when I don't have an alarm to wake up to.

♥ J & Lil Bean ♥


Lillian Robinson said...

So I'm assuming pregnant women cause canning jars to not seal??? Did she grow up with Grampa? Oh well, at least you get to just sit and watch!

TMI-FYI... FIBER, less cheese LOL

What are you doing with the old carpet?

Historical sites with charmine said...

It's been awhile since i came by,but glad that all is well with baby.I'm really happy for you.
In my opinion a cream wall is OK,you can paint/add pics of animals/birds ect later if you fancy.Have a great vacation....it's the only time you both will be lone in a long ,long time.

Anonymous said...

Oh getting new floors is so nice yet such a pain!